Teya Salat

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Unlike how some people who attribute provfiles to free browsing trick software, On the contrary a.prov file is a provisional file thatworks with Nokia S40 phones so that the java applications installed on such phones can get connected to the internet. However the s40 java phones ofrecent times like the C3, X2 e.t.c doesn’t require a prov file to getconnected to the internet. And this is where the issue of prov file with free browsing tricks comes in. If you are the type that is using operamini andler and you are using a nokia s40 java phone, and you are using a free browsing cheat that will require you to change your internet profiles before you can use it for free,, then you need a prov file with your phone.
Having said that, in the course of this post, we shall be teaching you the process of creating or editing a prov file manually either on phone or pc or either by a third party application. mind you a prov file does not work for sony ericsson or motorola phones

how you can create your own prov from the scratch online
- you can do this online throughsome independent websites like http://www.lemmy28.wapka.mobi/site_45.xhtml or myprov.co.cc

~Send the .prov file through Bluetooth or infrared to a nokia S40 phone
~You will receive message like " New Configuration Settings Received "
~Save the settings in the phone to use
~Now go to your settings and configuration and make this setting as default in your phone
~Also activate as default settings in all applications
If you don't have infrared or Bluetooth in your PC than you first you need to transfer the file.prov to another bluetooth or infrared enabled phone through USB cable.
Then send the file to your phone and follow the above given steps.

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